
Turn Off the Screens

So you think your kids are in front of screens too much?  They’re constantly asking for your iPhone or tablet, complaining they are bored and they only thing that will make them happy is a screen or device!  You’ve come to the right place. This post is for the parents who want to keep their kids away from the screens, have options or new parents who want to raise screen free kids.  This is no easy undertaking and for the kids who have been using tech most of their lives it will be challenging.  Nothing as important as this will be easy however the rewards far out way the challenges and frustrations ahead.  When my eldest son was six months old my wife and I vowed he would not see a screen until he was at least 2 years old. According to the Association of Pediatrics they recommend at least 2 years media free for children.   Media and Children This post is not about judging anyone and their parenting. So if you are uncomfortable with your child’s media consumption please read